“i make crafts to inspire awe, wonder and imagination.”
Thoughts: felt-creations
i’ve been working with felt for over a decade. It’s such a fun material to play with- it’s easy, doesn’t fray, inexpensive- and presents itself with such a unique personality. i started making 3-dimensional projects in 2013, which gradually turned into one of my favorite hand-made gift ideas: baby mobiles.
My first experiments with felting resulted in some very weird looking things (of which have been befittingly destroyed or re-assembled). i love craft-felt and wet felting, but really found my groove with needle felting in 2018. It’s been a slow learning curve, but extremely satisfying- especially during the Pandemic, i find the repetitive OCD-style process gives me meditative focus (and a little anger aggression-release in stabbing the shit out of it!). My needle felted creatures truly emerge with a life of their own, as i hope to demonstrate below. i still feel like an amateur, but it’s the imperfect-ness that makes these critters unique.
This time lapse video in real time took about 7 hours to create.
Art and Craft
I am currently creating a small art exhibition of needle-felted characters from children’s books. These are one-of-a-kind creations: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Pete the Cat and Peppa Pig, among others.
When pigs fly… anything is possible.
Flying Pig: one of the earliest felt creations.
$15 - $100
The pictures below are some of my felt craft creations through the years- all hand-made by me, and one-of-a-kind.
i create original commissions of anything displayed here, or anything in your imagination.
The Very hungry caterpillar
Peppa pig
Sleepy Owl.
This is Carl.
He is an Ass-Butt: a mythological creature, mysteriously (Supernaturally) created from the merging of a miniature donkey with a butterfly. (And mascot of the 2019 Gish Hunt.)
These are components of a few work-in-progress. i’m trying to decide if they belong in a moving mobile, or a 3-dimensional diorama. Right now, they are in separate pieces, which make their way into my daughter’s imagination play.
i envision a scene where fairies invite ladybugs for tea and cookies. The paint cans are for a fairy who is painting dragonflies, but it gets a little bit messy.
Inspired by movie and tv characters my 4 year old daughter likes: the “water horse,” and the “fire spirit” from Frozen 2, Poa from Moana, snails inspired by Turbo, Oona and Baba from ‘Puffin Rock,’ and a large ladybug named Gaston (from Ben and Holly).